Arms And Sleepers
Christine Busta Park, 2011
On the morning after their Vienna show we pick up Arms & Sleepers in a not so centrally located neigbhourhood, where they stayed overnight. When Ben and Mirza step out the house, they find themselves dazzled by the sun. „I prefer the shadow to the sun“, Mirza says, when we are wondering where to do the filming session in a close-by park. So the musicians ensconce themselves in the bushes. This hide-out surrounded by lush greenery looks fairly idyllic, yet the noise of the streets reminds us of the urban environment. However, the American duo makes you blind out the traffic noise with the fragile song „Simone“. For the length of a song Arms and Sleepers manage to create a surrounding full of atmosphere in the thicket, before they continue their way through the urban jungle.
- Camera
- Sarah Brugner
- Sound Recording
- Michael Luger
- Post production
- Sarah Brugner
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Arms And Sleepers

Christine Busta Park
Christine-Busta-Park is a small green oasis in Meidling, Vienna’s 12th district. Its 7,000 square meters have been redesigned in 2010 and adapted especially to the needs of the elderly (trees and shady benches) and kids (a playground). The park is one example of many small green areas in Vienna that have been created to loosen up dense neighbourhoods and introduce a minimum of freely accessible recreational space to these areas. It is for sure no tourist attraction, but the Theresienbad swimming pool just next door might be attractive on a hot summer day. If you ever find yourself in the position to look for Christine-Busta-Park make sure to ask for Füchselhofpark, which is the park’s more common name among locals. And who is Christine Busta? She was a 20th century lyricist and author of well-known children’s books.