Cloud Nothings
Yppenplatz, 2013
Heat wave in Vienna. Dylan Baldi and his Cloud Nothings compadres finish their soundcheck in the freaking hot B72 and drop out into the early-evening air. We head for Yppenplatz, a close-by square where the mood just shifts from busy market activity to afterwork relaxation. Dylan’s bandmates go to find some place for dinner while the Cleveland-based singer/songwriter sits down between some empty market stalls to perform a solo-acoustic version of the brand new “Psychic Trauma” (working title).

In a densely-populated area with little open space Yppenplatz is a popular oasis for relaxing. On a square that lies on a former parade-ground, two markets converge: Brunnenmarkt and Yppenmarkt. They both spread a multicultural flair throughout Vienna’s 16th district, Ottakring, where Vienna’s sole beer brand, Ottakringer, originates. The much smaller Yppenmarkt has a special farmer’s market as well. Even though Yppenmarkt lies in a Turkish-Croatian neighbourhood, where playgrounds and benches are mainly taken up by migrant kids and their families, the local agricultural products supply another community which comes here. Wealthy and lifestyle-conscious bobos (standing for bourgeois bohemians) have their weekend-brunch or evening-beer in some of the newly-opened cafes and bars of the area. Not least, a local artist initiative contributes to the resurgence of the Brunnenviertel – the colourful area embracing Brunnenmarkt and Yppenmarkt- in an attempt to capture the spirit of this area appropriately referred to as Soho in Ottakring.