Element of Crime
Hotel Altstadt Vienna, 2015
When a band sells a sweater with “Element of Crime University established 1985” on it, being a long-term fan feels like belonging to a venerable fraternity. However, after 30 years of existence Element of Crime’s music still has a strong meaning to people as young as in their mid-twenties. At least the ones, who are fond of melancholy and romance, because that’s what most songs are about. And for those who grew up with the music, Sven Regener writes the best (German) love songs anyway. So even though the Berlin-based band has been around for a while, they never seem to grow uninspired or bored. And despite the continued success mastermind Sven Regener turns out the least bit pretentious. He’s down-to-earth, jaunty and always up for a pithy remark. After Element of Crime’s inspired Sunday morning session in a hotel suite in-between two sold-out Vienna shows, Sven Regener jokes: “Are you sure, you have inserted a film?”
- Photography
- Nikolaus Ostermann
- Artist
- Element of Crime

Hotel Altstadt Vienna
A 1902-built Patrician house, 45 individually designed rooms and a remarkable arts collection – it’s comprehensible that creative folk (Element of Crime, for example) likes to stay in such an environment. Owner Otto E. Wiesenthal, a former car industry, computer business and bank manager, fulfilled his dream of running a special hotel in this quiet yet central location in the 7th district. A pleasant side effect: He now has enough space to showcase his collection of modern arts across the lobby, the salon and the rooms. Opened in 1991 Hotel Altstadt Vienna attracts travellers who look for classy Vienna-flair, great service and that individual note.