Horse The Band
Rochuspark, 2010
“Hello. We are the coolest band in the world. Everything you have ever heard about us is true. We are fucking crazy and we are very brave. We booked a 45-country, 3-month world tour by ourselves and we didn’t die, although we almost did a bunch of times. We have played in fucking China, and Serbia, and we are the first American band to play in Belarus in 5 years (the band before us was Cannibal Corpse) and we had to sneak into the country on a World War II cargo plane. […]” Horse The Band from California don’t belong to the musicians that care about what people think and say about them. The five forthright, but friendly guys don’t get overanalyzed and their music doesn’t get overinterpreted. They play boisterous gigs, but also prove that their music works when performed semi-acoustically in a sedate courtyard. Not knowing what riotous energies Horse The Band normally evoke, an older lady is interestedly watching the performance of “Arrive” from her window. However, she might not want to watch the movie about the band’s tour, called 48 Hours in Ukraine.
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Horse The Band

Entering from a passageway or the train station Rochusmarkt, you’ll find a smallish park, that was named – like a few other places in this area – after Saint Roch. The Christian saint, also known as Rock or Rocco in English, was specially invoked against the plague. You’ll also find a church and a market nearby named after the confessor. Many people are using the tucked-away park with playground, benches and lines of trees only as a short cut. Not so many people are really hanging out in this unexciting green space and might go to the next bigger ones like Stadtpark or even Prater, if they want to spend some longer time in a nicer park surrounding. Yet residents living around Rochuspark might appreciate the sedate environment, where some otherworldly things like a semi-acoustic Horse The Band session happened to occur.