Atelier, Quellenstrasse, 2009
The Spongebob sticker on the guitar might give a false impression. Listening to Liger is not fun, it’s no colourful experience and it is for sure not cheerful. Their songs are documents of suffering, of intense feelings and – despite the inherent sadness – of morbid beauty. The Vienna-based band consisting of multi-instrumentalists Dino Spiluttini and Gernot Scheithauer released their debut album “Crash Symbols” in 2008, a record they are – with every right – proud of. At the beginning of April Dino and Gernot open the doors to their spacious rehearsal room for us, situated in a nice brick building with some other Viennese bands practising next door (including Tupolev). We film in the staircase, in the courtyard, in some kind of storage room, and every time the two come up with another rarely seen instrument. They are sound tinkerers in the best sense of the word, always looking for the perfect way to transform their ideas into music and still never overload the songs with too many layers.
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Liger

Atelier, Quellenstrasse
Atelier Quellenstraße is a place for artists and musicians. The brick building at Quellenstraße 149 in the tenth district was formerly used as a factory and has been offering studios and rehearsal rooms for bands at a favourable rent for almost 20 years now. Every now and then there are parties happening at the Atelier – the legendary Quellenfest. The dates, though, are not always easy to find out. On a more regular basis you can visit temporary exhibitions of artists working at Quellenstraße. Occasionally the artists and musicians of the Atelier unite their creative energy and create something together, such as the 2007-founded Quellenchor, a huge choir featuring members of numerous Austrian bands. Atelier Quellenstraße is not only a creative hotspot, but also spicing up the otherwise less attractive south of Vienna.