Mozes and The Firstborn
Prater, 2013
“I Got Skills” is one of those songs that catch you from the first second and don’t leave you for a long while. It’s got an irresistible chorus, gloriously pretentious rapping, a more-than-fun vibe and retro-stylish garage band sounds. The Eindhoven-based Mozes and The Firstborn visit Vienna for the first time to play at Waves Festival and we are lucky enough to catch the four guys before their show – one of the festival’s highlights, as people will later agree upon – and head for a quick session into the Prater park. Melle, Ernst-Jan, Corto and Raven set up in the middle of the dead straight, tree-lined street while the sun sets, and play their hit to an audience of joggers, tourists, cyclists and horse carriages.

Prater is with 60 square kilometres Vienna’s largest park comprising expansive meadows and forests and the touristy well-known amusement park Wurstelprater or Volksprater. Beyond the Riesenrad (Ferris Wheel), one of Vienna’s symbols and the main attraction of the funfair, Prater has much more to offer. What was previously a royal hunting ground, serves as a recreation area for the public since 1766. A straight and wide avenue – Prater Hauptallee – runs through the woodland park with several ponds as remains of former side branches of the Danube. While the south of the park is calm with less people around, the Praterstern situated northwest is a much louder and rougher mixture of transport connection hub and nightly clubbing in direct neighbourhood to a red light and drug dealing area.