Princess Chelsea
Family home Penzing, 2013
For Europeans New Zealand ranks high as a remote picturesque travel destination. However, the escapism also very much exists the other way round. For our filming session in suburban Vienna Auckland-based Princess Chelsea sings exactly about this longing of young kiwis to leave their pleasant, but dull comfort zone to go overseas, where everything seems faster, stronger and bigger. Yet in the same breath Chelsea chills the excitement in her angelic voice, “When we go overseas to a much bigger place, we still doing the same things, but not with much space. On the subways and airplanes, there’s no friendly faces. We’re working so hard that the history is wasted.” In the final crescendo the band falls in the wry chorus, “We skimp, we save, we go overseas. We leave those behind who give us what we need. In two years we return with a sight of relief, but we say it was better.” After the bewitching performance in a friend’s parents’ house Princess Chelsea steps out into the rain with a smile on her face.
- Camera
- Sarah Brugner
- Simon Brugner
- Michael Luger
- Sound Recording
- Sarah Brugner
- Sound Mix
- Michael Luger
- Post production
- Sarah Brugner

Family home Penzing
We rarely get a chance to film sessions in the outskirts of Vienna as we meet most bands close by the venues further in town. However, this time we are invited to an affluent neighbourhood in Vienna’s 14th district as we were looking for a setting with a piano. So Princess Chelsea from New Zealand find themselves in an ample living room of a welcoming family that has various instruments to offer. In this pleasant setting with a nice view on the garden the band plays a wonderful, full-sounding session. It seems like even the family’s dog was all ears.