Retro Stefson
Dockville Festival, 2012
Spontaneity is mostly an overused buzz word concerning acoustic sessions. Yet not with Retro Stefson! Imagine singer and guitarist Unnstein Manuel Stefánsson and singer and percussionist Haraldur Ari Stefánsson walking out the backstage area right after their show and bumbing into us. “You want us to do an acoustic session? Now? Sure, we can do this!”, Unnstein says, grabs the guitar and hops into a boat that has run ashore in the dusty trailer park. From the distance the worried boat owner shouts: “What are you doing there?” “We are leaving”, Unnstein explains and Haraldur dispels her last concerns: “We are not goint to hurt it, we are going to make love to it.” Now that’s a statement! And really Retro Stefson’s stripped down performance of “Qween” turns out heart-melting. Meanwhile their bandmates have gathered in the back sitting in the evening sun while the two crave for Victoria. Whatever the circumstances (as it happens we’ve already stumbled into them at last year’s Haldern Pop Festival), these kids are great fun!
- Camera
- Michael Luger
- Sound Recording
- Sarah Brugner
- Post production
- Michael Luger
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Retro Stefson

Dockville Festival
MS Dockville is an annual music & arts festival in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg. Surrounded by water, ships and impressive granary buildings the festival in Hamburg’s harbour area offers much more than just listening to live music: During the weeks before the big event artists from all over the world live and work on the festival area and create a huge open air exhibition including useable sculptures, self-made wooden constructions, installations and other projects that enrich the festival experience and create a unique venue. With Lüttville and Teenville there are also projects for kids and teenagers happening on the festival grounds. The music festival itself has continuously grown since its first edition 2007 and features six stages and floors with more than 120 bands and DJ’s, including (in 2012) Hot Chip, Maximo Park, Metronomy and James Blake.