Essling, 2015
On a hot summer day somewhere at the edge of Vienna we meet the electronic artist salute. Here in this calm suburbia setting the 18-years-old Felix Nyajo started his early and successful producing career. The room in his family home is puristic and so is his approach to making music. A laptop, a speaker and the exchange with other artists on the internet, that’s all salute needed to get started at an age, where he hadn’t seen a dance club from the inside. Although he has done a lot of DJing since then, salute mainly sees himself as a producer. When we visit him that summer, Felix has just finished school and is about to move to the UK in autumn. In this time of transition salute takes a seat in the garden chair and plays the very personal track “Silver Tides” for us.
- Camera
- Sarah Brugner
- Michael Luger
- Martyna Trepczyk
- Sound
- David Ruhmer
- Post production
- Sarah Brugner
- Simon Brugner

Essling is a part of Vienna’s 22nd district Donaustadt. Situated right at the edge of the city it consists mostly of agricultural land and detached, semi-detached and terrace houses. To the south of Essling the Lobau National Park offers a beautiful floodplain landscape for recreation and sports. Until 1938 Essling was an independent village, mostly known for being the location of Napoleon Bonaparte’s first defeat in a battle. In 1809 the Austrian Archduke Karl threw back Napleon’s troops and took away the nimbus of the invincible of the French Emperor.