Sex Jams
Schönbrunner Straße 111, 2013
It was not the first time that Sex Jams got kicked out of their rehearsal room. When they break camp, there has always been some action involved. In the case of their former studio at Schönbrunnerstraße 111, it started with a fire on the ground floor and the fire brigade storming the building. During this operation the fire service declared that the staircase was in danger of collapsing. So from one moment to the next the five-piece band, that emerged out of Vienna’s throbbing DIY scene, found themselves turned adrift. However, now that Sex Jams have moved into a new rehearsal room at Yppenmarkt, they can at least take us on a last nostalgic visit to this otherwise locked house. In this setting of decay and homeliness guitarist Flo and singer Katie point out the notorious staircase, the former room of their creative outpoorings, the once fancy loo and the roof-top terrace with its withered vegetable garden, before the whole band gathers in the courtyard to perform a farewell serenade. It’s noisy, rousing and intoxicating and fits the place just right.
- Camera
- Sarah Brugner
- Simon Brugner
- Michael Luger
- Sound Recording
- Matthias Leihs
- Sound Mix
- Michael Luger
- David Ruhmer
- Post production
- Simon Brugner
- Michael Luger

Schönbrunner Straße 111
From the outside grey and inconspicious, the house at Schönbrunnerstraße 111 opens up to a colourful courtyard. When we enter the building, a mouse scurries across the yard covered with autumn leafs and decorated with graffiti paintings. Although it’s undboutedly run-down, we find many traces of art, decoration and bricolage. These are documents of the buildings’ short history of temporary artistic use, before it had to be closed. However, the asscociation ImPlanTAT that was responsible for the interim revitalization of this place has already got new plans to fill the void with new community projects.