Sophia Blenda
Prater, 2023
In front of a fallen tree in the woods of Prater Sophia Blenda installs her set design. The young Viennese artist does not only write and produce songs, but is involved in photography, graphics and producing the visual identity for herself as well as creating artwork for other musicians. Here in the woods close to the wetlands the set decoration looks like hair floating in water and fits beautifully into the scenery, where leaves are dancing in the wind, and thus generate delightful interludes of light and shade. Sophia Blenda's songwriting also oscillates between light and shade, arousing some dark feelings while evoking a shimmer of hope. For our session in the woods - accompanied by the twittering of birds, yet encircled by mosquitos - Sophia Blenda performs "Fun" from the album "Die neue Heiterkeit", followed by the brand new and still unreleased track "Glorify Me".
- Camera & Editing
- Sarah Brugner
- Michael Luger
- Sound Recording & Mix
- Oliver Brunbauer
- Artist
- Sophia Blenda

Prater is with 60 square kilometres Vienna’s largest park comprising expansive meadows and forests and the touristy well-known amusement park Wurstelprater or Volksprater. Beyond the Riesenrad (Ferris Wheel), one of Vienna’s symbols and the main attraction of the funfair, Prater has much more to offer. What was previously a royal hunting ground, serves as a recreation area for the public since 1766. A straight and wide avenue – Prater Hauptallee – runs through the woodland park with several ponds as remains of former side branches of the Danube. While the south of the park is calm with less people around, the Praterstern situated northwest is a much louder and rougher mixture of transport connection hub and nightly clubbing in direct neighbourhood to a red light and drug dealing area.