Surfer Blood
Albertina, 2010
„Let’s do this somewhere, where Austrian music history happened!“, Surfer Blood suggest. So we catch up with the five-piece band in the old town, after they’ve opened the show for Interpol in the outskirts of Vienna. Even though nights start to be chilly in November, the Florida guys obviously enjoy the aftershow-sightseeing. They set up their gear against the imposing backdrop of the well-lit opera to perform “Twin Peaks“ and continue with “Fast Jabroni“ at the foot of an equestrian statue. Even though we did not have an amp and thus Kevin Williams could not play the bass and Thomas Fekete’s guitar strap loosenes during “Twin Peaks“, the youthful quintet unperturbedly does an animated and sonorous impro with intriguing vocal harmonies. Singer John Paul Pitts is going through a broad spectrum between falsetto voice and nearly yelling, while drummer TJ Schwarz and percussionist Marcos Marchesani put some more drive to it. „My fingers are literally completely numb,“ Thomas says after the highly motivated outdoor session, „that’s what happens, when you are from Florida.“
- Camera
- Sarah Brugner
- Sound Recording
- Matthias Leihs
- Post production
- Sarah Brugner
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Surfer Blood

With more than 1 million prints and 60,000 drawings the museum Albertina contains one of the biggest graphic collections in the world. Albrecht Dürer’s famous “The Field Hare” or “Hands folded for Prayer”, women-studies from Gustav Klimt and classics from Michelangelo, Rubens, Schiele, Cézanne, Rembrandt, Kokoschka, Picasso or Rauschenberg are exhibited in the intra-urban Palais Albertina that has apart from its permanent collection very popular changing exhibitions. An Architecture collection and a newly created collection of photographs also belong to the museum that was founded in 1776 by Duke Herzog Albert of Saxe-Teschen. Built on the remains of the Augustinian bastion and on one of the last preserved section of the fortification wall, the building stretches eleven metres above street level. The museum was severely destroyed by air raids in 1945 and has undergone various renovations. The last construction work was in 2004 when the Austrian architect Hans Hollein designed the 64 metres long, titan flying shed that gives the museum’s entrance its distinctive body structure. Albertina is famously surrounded by the Hofburg, the Burggarten, the Opera, the Hotel Sacher, the Memorial against War and Fascism and the Filmmuseum with Fiakers (Vienna’s horse-cabs) waiting in their center at the Albertinaplatz.