Sweet Sweet Moon
El Anfiteatro, 2013
Along the Highway 68 in Argentina stretches a spectacular rocky and sandy landscape that gleams in various shades from rusty-red to dark yellow. Between impressive canyons, sandstones monoliths and dunes lies El Anfiteatro. Once you enter the natural amphitheater you feel immediately tempted to shout, clap your hands or – as in the case of Sweet Sweet Moon – perform a song. In this breathtaking echo chamber the Austrian duo strikes up “Woppy”. The song unfolds itself as an emotional rollercoaster, building up to a crescendo where singer Matthias, who has already picked up an Argentinan football shirt and a llama hat on the way up north to Salta, reaches the point of screaming. The interplay between cello and violin is massively resounding from the walls and thereby reveals orchestral qualities. And then Matthias only breathes the last words: “I wanna stay with you forever.” Cellist Lukas is all smiles.

El Anfiteatro
If Quebrada de las Conchas (also known as Quebrada de Cafayate) were located in a more popular tourist destination it would easily be considered as one of the most stunning landscapes of the world. Ruta Nacional 68 from the wine village Cafayate to the provincial capital Salta leads past bright red stone formations, sandstone monoliths and massive canyons that will force you out of your car every few hundred meters. El Anfiteatro, a ravine in the shape of an amphitheater, is one of the most impressive stone formations along the route and well worth the little detour from the main road.