The Pharmacy
Arena, 2010
Apart from making good music having fun is another well appreciated quality of bands. So when we watched some of The Pharmacy's videos on YouTube, we just knew that the filming session would turn out joyful. You can for example watch them perform on a tree and skating on a (then burning) keyboard for Tropical Yeti Song and then show some more lust for destruction in WAYDWYL. After their Vienna concert we end up with the Seattle-based band in their van. The videos bring back good memories of a fun evening with the likeable boys from The Pharmacy and their beautifully raw music from their latest album “Weekend” (if you watch out for the scarf in the back of the van, you will know where the album has its design from). If only we could stop whistling “Til Death Do Us Part” – lalala!
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- The Pharmacy

Arena is a cultural center and music venue in the industrialized district of Erdberg. Its beginnings hark back to 1976, when some thousand demonstrators gathered around the former St. Marx Auslandsschlachthof to save it from demolition and subsequent commercial use. While they were not able to save the huge building complex, the vast social movement did succeed in reaching the foundation of an autonomous cultural center on the smaller area of the former slaughterhouses, which represents today’s Arena. Presently Arena has integrated a wide musical spectrum to its programme for various crowds and commercial use. Yet Arena’s dictum “Love Music, Hate Fascism!” is more than a relict of old days as it is still the venue with the most punk concerts in town.