Tiger Lillies
Raimundhof, 2009
In their 20 years of existence, they have released more than 20 albums and invented a whole new genre that was named Brechtian Punk Cabaret. They write black-humoured songs about prostitution, murder, incest and any other aspect of the dark side of the human nature, wear clown-like make-up and sing in a high falsetto voice. The Tiger Lillies are legends. As soon as they get out of their hotel – while we are looking for a taxi – the London-based three piece band gets stopped by an admirer, who coincidentally is a quite well known Austrian cabaret artist himself: Alf Poier. He recognises them even without the make-up and expresses his deep appreciation for the Tiger Lillies’ oeuvre before we head to a small, quiet passageway close to Vienna’s main shopping street Mariahilfer Straße. Martyn Jacques, Adrian Stout and Adrian Huge set up their gear on a tiny playground in front of the curious eyes of some passers-by and tourists, one of whom later asking the band if they can pose with him for a picture. Of course they do, even if Adrian Huge takes a bit of time to calm down after his access of rage during their rendition of “Angry” from the “Seven Deadly Sins” album. After two thirds of the session slight rain sets in, but the Tiger Lillies don’t bother to play another one and rush through an inspired version of “Envy”.
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Tiger Lillies

Raimundhof is a passageway, which is branching off at house number 45 of the busy Mariahilfer Straße, Vienna’s biggest shopping street. Named after the 19th century dramatist Ferdinand Raimund the thoroughfare, comprising five houses and four courtyards, works as an unconspicuous turnoff from the mall to some smaller charming cobbled alleyways. Passageways belong to the constructional characteristics of older, huge buildings in Vienna and Budapest and allow people who know their city fairly well to take the shortest and smoothest direction through the blocks. In the case of Raimundhof a café, some shops and a little garden not only render possible the direct slip-through, but also offer a place to rest.