Arena, 2008
Travels are the product of a common tour from the bands Metal Hearts and Victory at Sea with Anar (Metal Hearts) and Mona (Victory at Sea) falling in love, leaving their former bands and creating a new one. Travels play sweet and intimate independent music not signed to any label. On their first European tour they faced some troubles in Italy – shows were cancelled – and therefore arrived late and hungry in freezing Vienna. Instead of settling back in some warm cafeteria to refuel energy after some ten-hour-drive with their own small car, Anar and Mona found at once the motivation for the shooting. We just stepped outside to have them play a song on an abandoned stage and another song on a pedestrian refuge island. After Anar and Mona had finished their first song on the small outdoor-stage, we were chased away from the newly-seeded lawn (strange enough in a center of punk and autonomous culture…) and took refuge to a traffic island with cars flashing by. Indeed the shooting was great. Whatever outer circumstance might complicate our work, nothing counts more than the motivated and considerate approach from the musicians. So Anar and Mona finished the shooting with grumbling stomachs, but a smile on their face.
- Photography
- Simon Brugner
- Artist
- Travels

Arena is a cultural center and music venue in the industrialized district of Erdberg. Its beginnings hark back to 1976, when some thousand demonstrators gathered around the former St. Marx Auslandsschlachthof to save it from demolition and subsequent commercial use. While they were not able to save the huge building complex, the vast social movement did succeed in reaching the foundation of an autonomous cultural center on the smaller area of the former slaughterhouses, which represents today’s Arena. Presently Arena has integrated a wide musical spectrum to its programme for various crowds and commercial use. Yet Arena’s dictum “Love Music, Hate Fascism!” is more than a relict of old days as it is still the venue with the most punk concerts in town.